Join the adventure
Join the Adventure

Underwater Naturalist Diver
You’ll see new things, even on the most familiar scuba diving sites. Why? Because when to know more about symbioses, underwater ecology, and aquatic plant and animal habitats, you notice behaviors and see creatures you may have previously missed. Learn more about the local ecosystem and take a closer look on your next scuba diving adventure.
What You Will Learn
Through class discussions and on two scuba dives, you’ll learn:
The major aquatic life groupings, interactions and factual information that dispels negative myths.
The role of aquatic plants, food chains, and predator-prey relationships
Responsible interactions with aquatic life
The underwater naturalist’s view of organisms and their roles in the environment
You put this information into practice during your two open water dives.
PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers or higher, who are at least 10 years old, are eligible to take the Underwater Naturalist course.
The Fun Part
Learn about why some creatures behave the way they do and what their role is in the aquatic ecosystem.
Get Started Today
Simply contact us here to get you registered for the class. You may also download the PADI Medical Statement (below) to get started on your Medical Questionnaire and pre-course assignments. Note: It is imperative that you answer this form accurately and truthfully. If you answer YES to any question with an asterisk *, you are required to have the form signed by a physician giving approval for you to engage in diving activities. If you are traveling for your training, please consult with our staff for procedures regarding flying after diving, before booking your flight. We look forward to training you!